Spring Session:

Ages 8 to 11

6pm-7pm - Monday, April 8 10th to May 13, 2024

$120.00 For six week program

Email rhonda@setthetone.ca to register


If you’d like to hear me speak in more detail about Sing It Girls!®, check me out on Kids Q The Music!

Three girls smiling with their arms around each other

Sing it Girls!® is an innovative and interactive group vocal program for female identifying individuals between the ages of 7 and 15, delivered by music therapists. Grounded in research, this universal program incorporates breath work, vocal exercises, chanting, song creation, group singing, mindfulness practices and discussion. Participants describe experiencing enhanced self-esteem, confidence, peer connection and self-calming techniques.

The problem today is that anxiety is increasingly prevalent amongst children and youth, particularly those who identify as female. Drawing upon their knowledge of youth programming, music therapy, community singing, and mental health, Adrienne Pringle and Cathy Thompson established this research-based program in 2013.

This community singing group is experiential with no performance outcomes and is not a choir. Sing it Girls!® is facilitated by music therapists, participants learn ways to use breathing to help with stressful situations, explore empowering songs and sing together. They also participate in discussions, create new songs, and learn calming strategies that are transferable outside of the program. Many of the young women say they still use the skills they developed in Sing it Girls!® to help regulate their emo- tions and cope with stressful situations.

Girls deserve to feel confident in themselves and connected to their peers and community. Self-esteem and self-worth can be nurtured in girls so that they grow to be confident young women and leaders. This program is designed to focus on building confidence in the girls that participate, thereby minimizing feelings of anxiety, worry and low self-esteem that they encounter in their lives.

Pringle A, Thompson C. Sing it girls: Facilitator manual. Burlington (Canada): Beyond the Studio; 2022.

Click on this link to read more about The Science Behind Sing it Girls .